Family Advising
Why work with a family advisor ?
A player advisor plays an important role in a student athlete's career. His main duty is to help families navigate their options on and off the ice, from junior leagues to North American universities.
See our services below

We communicate with College Hockey coaches to receive feedbacks in regards to the athletic abilities of our players
The process of choosing the right academy / prep school needs to begin as early as possible. We evaluate all possibilities in order to find the right fit.

Junior Hockey is an essential part of the player's development. Our established network gives our athletes many opportunities to compete and get better.
The end goal of our clients is to compete for a NCAA program that will suit the family's financial situation. With the misconception of how scholarships work, we understand how to secure the best deal possible.
In order to maintain NCAA academic requirements, we guide the student-athlete and his parents on different aspects such as SAT preparation and clearinghouse application.
"Do plan to compensate the advisor for their services; failure to do so may be considered the player receiving a gift from the advisor, which would be an NCAA violation."